viernes, 18 de agosto de 2017

Hello   everybody!

Here there  is my comment about the explanation on digital tools by Oleana Bilozerova. 

Even though she created a video that was quite long and little catchy, in my opinion, I truly believe it was a great idea to share all the websites, apps and other technological tools that she has used and that might be helpful for other teachers like us. We all know that the Internet is a whole world with a lot of sources and plenty of material about any topic we want to find. For this reason, it can become difficult to find the best websites and tools to our students needs. What I liked the most about her presentation is that she made sure to include tools to enhance all learners' skills and she showed a great variety of resources. Out of those resources she mentioned, there are some that I particularly find them quite useful for my class; these are the professional use we can give to Twitter to make students interact and chat using relia, the vialogues for encouraging learners to speak and upload their performance, the quizzes generators that teachers can create and students can take by their own too and the websites to improve pronunciation, which I think is one of the hardest aspects to teach students. Then, I think all of them can be of great help for both teachers and learners. Finally, I just would like to paraphrase the meaning this speaker gave to the word technology because I strongly agree with it. She said technology meant the advancement, methods and tool we, as teachers, use to solve problems or achieve a goal, so she emphasized the fact that any kind of tool we use should always depend on what we want to accomplish with our students. Therefore, we should always take this into account to always try to enhance students' learning.

Silvia Valladares Castrillo

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